Schrei vol.3
SCHREI vol.3 was performed at Teater Viirus in Helsinki (FI), at Mentanarhúsið í Fuglafirði (FO) and at Kulturhuset Blå Grotte in Fredrikstad (NO) in 2019
Artistic leader - Viola Othilie Tømte
Created and performed by Viola, Mariann Hansen and Klara Wenner Tångring
Scenography and costume design by Johanna Dahlbäck
Sound design by Josef Donner
Outside eyes - Henriikka Himma and Essi Rossi
Financially supported by Norsk Kulturfond, Nordisk Kulturkontakt, Svenska Kulturfonden, Mentamálaráðið and Norsk Skuespillerforbund
The starting point of SCHREI vol.3 was to broaden the investigation of the portrayal and presentation of angry women by researching her in a collective of artists and feminists. The literature which inspired this work was different interpretations of the myth of Medea (Medea by Euripides, Medea - Voices by Christa Wolf, Medealand by Sara Stridsberg), interviews with female and feminist performance artists from the 60ies and 70ies from the book Angry Women, edited by A. Juno and V. Vale and autobiographical texts. The result was an audiovisual and immersive performance, inviting the audience on a journey of exploring different aspects of female anger.
“Sammanfattningsvis är SCHREI vol.3 en fräsch och befriande upplevelse som får en att bejaka sin inre ilska”
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti
Photographer: Eija Mäkivuoti